Short Symmary

Since 1986 our public school has been training professionals in socio-educational intervention. Currently we teach 3 higher level training cycles within the family of “Sociocultural and Community Services”:

Sociocultural and Tourist Animation 

Social Integration in three modalities: Spanish, Basque and semipresential offer aimed for professionals

Higher Degree in Early Childhood Education in the Basque, Spanish and online modalities

Our school, since its creation in 1986, has maintained frequent contacts with European institutions that have significantly influenced the our educational project .

The CI School of educators / Hezitzaile Eskola I.I. has an internationalization plan, immersed in a constant process of updating and improvement.

The center has an internationalization strategy that is contemplated in its Annual Program and is reflected in a document, the Center’s Internationalization Plan, whose main objective is the promotion and development of mobility and cooperation actions, both in the students and teachers, in the field of Higher Education Teachings

We have, within our structure as a center, a series of organs and people especially involved with the revitalization of the internationalization of the center:

The management team: chairs the decision-making bodies and streamlines inclusion in international projects.

The teaching departments: they analyze the academic impact on the academic results of each cycle and module after the experiences of our students and teachers in contacts with other European countries

The pedagogical coordination commission: evaluates the projects, monitors them and makes proposals to the faculty.

The person responsible for the internationalization of the center: coordinates the rest of the members of the academic structure and establishes the communication mechanisms between them. It also informs the students and monitors the projects in which the students from the center who are outside are involved.

The person responsible for external professional activities: coordinates aspects related to companies and professional centers for the students who come to visit us from European countries

Within its Internationalization Plan, our center proposes 3 strategic objectives, each with different operational objectives, related actions and achievement indicators.

The objectives are the following:

1. Enhance the international profile of students and teachers

a) Promote student mobility as well as their preparation before mobility

b) Collaborate in the dissemination of European volunteering

c) Promote the mobility of teachers, as well as their preparation before mobility

d) Meeting the mobility demands of our European student and teacher center

e) Increase international practices

f) To develop the linguistic competences of students and teachers

2. Establish communication and dissemination systems for programs and projects

a) Create effective communication and dissemination channels

b) Use tools that facilitate dissemination and communication

c) Establish an agile communication protocol with the Department of Education that manages the stays

3. Promote the dissemination and training use of student and teacher mobility

a) Record data on international activities

b) Make the centre’s international activity visible

The School of Educators and Educators / Hezitzaile Eskola, belongs to a Consortium of the Department of Education of the Government of Navarra, through which it can carry out mobility for both students and teachers, depending on the offers and demands of each school year.

The center, in coordination with the Department of Education of the Government of Navarra, carries out a series of tasks that guarantee the quality of the objectives of the Erasmus program:

We carry out the promotion and dissemination of each call that comes to us, both for students and teachers

Announcement and explanation of Erasmus calls both in the center’s moodle and directly, by the person responsible for internationalization, in all the groups to which it is addressed

Organization of information sessions with students from the center participating in previous courses in Erasmus, Pyirene programs.

Organization of information sessions, in all higher cycles, by the teachers who participate in Erasmus programs

Advice to students for the preparation of their Curriculum Vitae, Video Curriculum and cover letter, in coordination between the head of internationalization, the FOL department and the English department

We select the participants with criteria that guarantee transparency and equal opportunities

Transparency, rationality and efficiency will be the principles that govern the management of the funds received.

Permanent contact with both students and teachers who are doing European stays

Realization of the Euro pass mobility of all the students and teachers who make European stays

Publication of all the information on the website of the center, both the dissemination of mobility, and the information shared by both students and teachers at the end of it.

The center is available, and has participated and participates in the reception of both European teachers and students, who have participated in training stays in companies, receiving support at all times from our center, both in the search for companies and in professional exchanges with our teachers and students, using our center as a “base” for meeting between visiting teachers and their students and always attending to the logistical demands that have been made on us.

Impact of participation in ERASMUS + for our students and teachers:

The training level of our students is reinforced through this European experience, which complements their previous learning at school.

In the specific case of students belonging to disadvantaged groups, this training complement is an element of compensation for both economic and social inequalities, as well as the preventive value of dropping out of school.

Knowledge and access to the European labor reality supposes a clear expansion of the employment possibilities of our students.

exploiting the potential of ICTs is another resource that broadens the scope of work available to our students.

The diversity of the student population finds in access to the European market an addition to their employment opportunities.

International mobility leads our institution to continuous self-analysis and reflection, taking the European learning framework as a reference.

The recognition of studies abroad means guaranteeing the quality of the training offered at our institution.

Cooperation with other institutions at the international level reverts to the implementation of regional and local development plans at different levels.

The School of Educators, Hezitzaile Eskola i.i. He has participated for 4 years in the Pyirene FP Project, a European cross-border cooperation project, aimed at students and teachers, which allows both to learn about professional development related to their training in another country close to ours.

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