The school

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Since 1986 our school is dedicated to educational intervention professionals. Before, within the Vocational Training II (FP II), our school trained specialist in Social Adaptation. Nowadays, within the new vocational training and the professional family of ‘Cultural Services to the Community’,  we develop higher grades in Social Integration, Socio-Cultural and Early Childhood Education (also in Basque and On-line) and also the Intermediate grade of Care for People in need of help (aimed to people who already work as professionals, and in a particular embodiment in 3 afternoon courses aimed specifically at adults who can make compatible with employment).

These professions do their work in direct contact with people, to help them in their personal, cultural development and social integration. They perform their function in various institutions, along with other professionals. That is why we call them “Base educators”, as they are, in most cases, the ones involved in the closest way to the people